Is your psoriasis Good or Bad?Medical case

Good psoriasis means heal-able, and bad means not. 

↓ This is good psoriasis

↓ This is bad psoriasis

How to judge?

Good psoriasis has lots of scaling because it has more power to proliferate.

Skin is a repairable tissue even psoriasis.

It produces wrong skin indeed, but it still has strong life power.

Good psoriasis is easily treatable with Chinese herb therapy and Chin-dye ointment.

Bad psoriasis has little scaling because the patient scratch them out.

The red arrow points the tearing of skin.

Abrasion wounds are all over it because the patient brush it.

Even skin had a powerful repair tendency, it cannot tolerate such insult like this.

The skin tired, and gave up repair. Even use the strongest Chinese herb and Chin-dye ointment, it wound fail.